Channel: Cat Meffan
Category: Sports
Tags: free yoga challengeshort yoga flowdynamic yoga flowyoga for mobilityyoga for hipswater element yoga flowocean yoga flowintermediate yogacat meffan soul sanctuary30 minute yogavinyasa 1-2cat meffan yogayoga with cat meffanfluid yoga flowyoga for dancersfluid yogayoga for powersoul sanctuarygentle yogasoul sanctuary yogayoga tutorialsdancing yogaenergising yogapower yoga cat meffanyoga for energywake up yoga
Description: This video is in partnership with Finisterre - #stretchyyoga #oceanyoga #catmeffanyoga Join the Soul Sanctuary family here: JOIN US NOW! Download the iOS app - Download the android app - Please leave a review if you love it! I'm so grateful for this community, for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to do this!